Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Macro photography

Using extensions tubes on your camera is the poor man's way of taking macro photographs. I did these 3 in the lightbox made at home (thanks BB for the link) using natural light and a reflector.

The top one is obviously a child's painting set with brush, the second is a set of toy dominoes, and below that is a syringe for giving medicine to kids who won't take it from a spoon (kindly supplied free with every bottle of Nurofen !) The first two were taken at f/9.0 to keep as much in focus as possible, the last was at f/2.0 to deliberatley blur out most of the subject, to pull the eye onto the 2.5ml measure line.



hotfish said...

I love these. But you know it already. :D

*BB* said...

Glad you enjoyed it. I still haven't had time to make a lightbox myself lol. Great pics

alphabunny said...

simply briliant

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I am married to Gillian, and we have a 8 year old daughter.